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Local Citations

Local citations are the lifeblood of local search visibility. Make sure you’re up-to-date with the latest in NAP, citations, listings, and directories.

Local Citations Trust Report | BrightLocal

Local Citations Trust Report

by Rosie Murphy

The building of local citations is a keystone in local search visibility. When your business’s Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) are mentioned online in directories, business listings, and other ...

March 27th, 2018
9 min read
Expert Local Citation Survey 2016

Expert Local Citation Survey 2016

by Ross Marchant

[Update 19/12/19: This study mentions Acxiom. Since retiring its directory and local search offerings in 2019, Foursquare has stepped in as one of the main four data aggregators.]  Welcome to ...

September 4th, 2016